Due to a higher level of perceived conflict and violence in our community – both the Town and the Baca – it might be helpful to consider a readily available service to address difficult situations in semi-formal and facilitated sessions where parties have an opportunity to agree in advance to explore how to disagree peaceably.
To that end I am offering to our community Conflict Resolution and Mediation services pro bono. Using my skills as a trained and experienced teacher of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) workshops and classes over the past 14 years both in Crestone, around the country, in Europe and in the Colorado prison system, I feel a call to help my community bring light where there may be darkness, hurt, misguided anger and hostility.
My training in NVC with founder Marshall Rosenberg, PhD can effectively be put to use with couples and with groups in conflict. In addition to NVC, I have also received direct in-person training in Restorative Justice (RJ) Circles from Dominic Barter, an innovator in RJ trained by Dr. Rosenberg and practicing in the poor favelas of Rio de Janeiro. Beyond that, I am also willing to offer my experience in various Circling venues that may help raise awareness of community values and our potential for goodness, positivity, warmth and authentic connection.
Contact me through my website www.paulshippee.com if you’d like to start a conversation.
Paul Shippee, MA Psychology